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发布时间:2021-02-18 16:41:51 阅读: 来源:台秤厂家

» 服装资讯 » 服装技术 » 服装常识 » 修改花样与花型差异的英文表达修改花样与花型差异的英文表达 日期:2010-04-14 潮流指数:1259 编辑:品牌服饰 Design modification and design deviation(1)由于该花型的循环大于印花滚筒圆周,所以必须按比例缩小花型循环的尺寸。Owing to the design repeat bigger than the circumference of the printing roller, it is neccessary to reduce the size of your design repeat proportionally.(2)因为贵方的来样太小,花型不全,请另行提供花型完整的样品。Since your samples are too small to show complete pattern, you are requested to provide us with designs in full repeat.(3)经告之工厂不接受这一花型,因为它的尺寸是24",而工厂只能接受不超过18"的花型循环。We are advised that the size of the design repeat is about 24" which is not acceptable to your mills who are only in a position to take a design repeat in a size not bigger than 18".(4)花型中的小点子须做适当的放大。The minute dots in the design should be appropriately enlarged.(5)经研究该花型,我们工厂建议花型中的留白须用地色代替,方能有更华美的外观和更好的印花效果。Having discussed the design,our mills suggest that the remaining white be replaced by the ground colour so as to obtain more attractive appearance and better printing effect.(6)按我们的理解是,点子、花朵和另瓣的颜色均应换成白色,而叶脉和花朵的勾线(或轮廓线)仍保持原来的黑色。To our understanding, colours of the spots, flowers and leaves are to be changed into white, while the veins and the outlines of flowers will remain black as they are.(7)我们工场的意见是,花样内的涂料白点以留白代替。For the white dots in the design tinged with pigment, our manufacturer's idea is to replace them by remaining white.(8)贵方提供花样需用防拔染生产,不适合做树脂处理,如贵方仍要此花型,请授权我方改为直接印(套印),或另寄花样来代替。Your design requires discharge and resist printing because it is mot applicable to goods to be resined. We request that this, if still needed, be produced with your authorization by over-printing, or be replaced by a new one.(9)鉴于工艺上的原因,我们已授权工厂将褐色条子花型改为点子花。On account of technological reason, we have authorized our mill to change the brown stripes into spots.(10)我们认为在酱色底上印黑花不美观,特拟定稍微修改,以获得更好的效果。We think that black flower on maroon ground cannot constitute an attractive design, a slight modification will be made to achieve a better effect.


